
Dr. Victoria DC

As a chiropractor, I’m not here to “fix” you. I’m here to help you become RESILIENT so you have the knowledge and tools you need to make incredible changes in your life. I believe human beings are designed to be adaptable, and you have the power to adjust your sail at any moment.

I do this through providing hands-on therapy, such as chiropractic adjustments, soft tissue work, acupuncture and cupping. But most importantly, I do it by educating you and helping you become more aware of your body and the way it operates so you can find the answers for yourself.

Outside of work, you can find me hiking the durham trails with my giant dog Finch, and spending time with my husband and my two sons.

Complimentary Meet and Greets

Set up a meet and greet with your desired healthcare practitioner to find out if they’re right for you. If you don’t know who to see, one of our team members will suggest the best match based on personality and health concerns.